Day 374 / 139
Date: 21 April 2023 Sleeping location: N/A Distance (km today/total/total Part 2): 26 / 23552 / 8715 Estimated climb ( m t oday/total/ tot a l Part 2): 200 / 2244 00 / 106400 Literal metaphor of the day: blood, sweat and tears Day in two words: The end* The morning provided a beautiful view all around the bay, low cloud over the mountains of two days ago and the sun peeking through. I had such a confusing swirl of emotions over breakfast. Is it an anticlimax? I had always been certain that I'd do it, so there's no jeopardy. No final push, because there are no time constraints. All of the drama and difficulty has come already. There's nothing to beat here, no clock, nobody else, just a casual 25km cycle on smooth tarmac on a relatively light bike with nice weather. It felt wrong. We rode along the beautiful quiet coastline and talked about the penguins. A couple of local riders came past and I chatted to one for a bit on a climb. It still felt w...